Track 1-1-1: Global Database on Availability, Productivity and Composition of Grasslands, Forests and Protected Areas
Grazing lands (non-arable terrestrial ecosystems) play a vital role in the rural economy and environmental conservation. Modern tools in which, GIS, GPS and satellite remote sensing play vital role in the assessment, characterization and management of grazinglands (Paul et al., 2010). The present study aims to assess the physical conditions and distribution pattern of permanent pastures and other grazing lands in arid Rajasthan using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Though grazing lands do occur in a number of habitats, the study has focused on those sites which have water resources for its rational utilization for pasture/grassland development. Rapid advances in the areas of Remote Sensing, Earth Observations systems, data processing techniques and applications have facilitated users for a better understanding of terrain. One of the recent trends in remote sensing is its application in the extraction of terrain related parameters using large scale mapping and DEM generation. GIS and IRS data are used in inventory, assessment, characterization and management of grazinglands and estimation of forage production & supply-demand balance sheets (Singh et al., 1997).
Moharana, Pratap Chandra; Goyal, R. K.; Pandey, C. B.; and Bhatt, R. K., "Land Surface Characterization for Identification and Assessment of Potential Grazing Lands in Arid Western Rajasthan, India" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 9.
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Land Surface Characterization for Identification and Assessment of Potential Grazing Lands in Arid Western Rajasthan, India
Grazing lands (non-arable terrestrial ecosystems) play a vital role in the rural economy and environmental conservation. Modern tools in which, GIS, GPS and satellite remote sensing play vital role in the assessment, characterization and management of grazinglands (Paul et al., 2010). The present study aims to assess the physical conditions and distribution pattern of permanent pastures and other grazing lands in arid Rajasthan using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Though grazing lands do occur in a number of habitats, the study has focused on those sites which have water resources for its rational utilization for pasture/grassland development. Rapid advances in the areas of Remote Sensing, Earth Observations systems, data processing techniques and applications have facilitated users for a better understanding of terrain. One of the recent trends in remote sensing is its application in the extraction of terrain related parameters using large scale mapping and DEM generation. GIS and IRS data are used in inventory, assessment, characterization and management of grazinglands and estimation of forage production & supply-demand balance sheets (Singh et al., 1997).