Track 2-03: Ecological Succession, Management and Restoration of Grasslands
The XXII International Grassland Congress (Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain Our Communities) took place in Sydney, Australia from September 15 through September 19, 2013. Proceedings Editors: David L. Michalk, Geoffrey D. Millar, Warwick B. Badgery, and Kim M. Broadfoot Publisher: New South Wales Department of Primary Industry, Kite St., Orange New South Wales, Australia
Xiangyang Hou, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China |
Role of Competition in Restoring Resource Poor Arid Systems Dominated by Invasive Grasses S. Mangla, Oregon State University |
Zalmen Henkin, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel |
Some Pasture Changes in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia Dorjgotov Ariungerel, Mercy Corps Mongolia, Mongolia |
Christiaan J. Harmse, North-West University, South Africa |
Lila Nath Sharma, Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Nepal |