Track 1-07: Prospects for Management to Increase Grassland and Forage Productivity
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of grazing exclusion on the vegetation and productivity of: (1) pastures near villages that are grazed intensively through-out the year; and (2) pastures, which are used in summer and are less intensively grazed through the remainder of the year. The potential of degraded pastures to recover, when protected from overgrazing, was also evaluated. Six pastures (3 located in or near villages and 3 used for summer grazing) were selected with local community representatives in 3 pilot regions of Kyrgyzstan (the Lahol and Теrеk regions of Naryn oblast and the Оrgochor region of Issyk-Kul oblast). This paper presents some preliminary results after 4 years of grazing exclusion from the Orgochor pilot region.
Kilyazova, N. V.; Аdenov, М. I.; Samsaliev, К. A.; Каrybekov, А.; and Jeangros, B., "Influence of Grazing Exclusion on Vegetation and Productivity of Kyrgyz Pastures" (2019). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 12.
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Influence of Grazing Exclusion on Vegetation and Productivity of Kyrgyz Pastures
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of grazing exclusion on the vegetation and productivity of: (1) pastures near villages that are grazed intensively through-out the year; and (2) pastures, which are used in summer and are less intensively grazed through the remainder of the year. The potential of degraded pastures to recover, when protected from overgrazing, was also evaluated. Six pastures (3 located in or near villages and 3 used for summer grazing) were selected with local community representatives in 3 pilot regions of Kyrgyzstan (the Lahol and Теrеk regions of Naryn oblast and the Оrgochor region of Issyk-Kul oblast). This paper presents some preliminary results after 4 years of grazing exclusion from the Orgochor pilot region.