Track 1-16: Production, Environment and Social Benefit of Agroforestry Systems
The effect of cultivation of Coimbatore 3 (CO3; Pennisetum perpureum x Pennisetum americarnum) grass under coconut has not been researched in Sri Lanka. We examined the effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and the spread of CO3 roots in the soil. CO3 root slips were cultivated under coconut in two rows with 1x2 m within and between row spacing in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Treatments were four Nitrogen (N) levels- 0, 14, 21 and 35 kg N/ha/year. There were sixteen effective palms per treatment. CO3 bushes were harvested at 15 cm height from ground level at 6 monthly intervals. Application of 21 and 35 kg of N/ha/year gave the highest (P > 0.05) dry matter yield (DM) of 216 and 225 kg per ha per year respectively compared to other treatments. An average nut yield of 55, 53 and 56 nuts per tree per year were observed in plots receiving 14, 21 and 35 kg N/ha/year respectively. CO3 roots were spread in an area of 0.94 m (width) and 0.65 m (depth). Application of 21 kg of N/ha/year was determined as the best rate of nitrogen to be applied after each pruning of CO3 cultivated under coconut. It is advisable to cultivate only 3 rows of CO3 within a coconut square to avoid CO3 roots invading into the manure circle of the coconut palm.
Somasiri, Sharini Carol and Premaratne, Sujatha, "Coimbatore 3 (CO3 - Pennisetum perpureum X Pennisetum americarnum) Grass as an Intercrop under Coconut (Cocos nucifera)" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 4.
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Coimbatore 3 (CO3 - Pennisetum perpureum X Pennisetum americarnum) Grass as an Intercrop under Coconut (Cocos nucifera)
The effect of cultivation of Coimbatore 3 (CO3; Pennisetum perpureum x Pennisetum americarnum) grass under coconut has not been researched in Sri Lanka. We examined the effect of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and the spread of CO3 roots in the soil. CO3 root slips were cultivated under coconut in two rows with 1x2 m within and between row spacing in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Treatments were four Nitrogen (N) levels- 0, 14, 21 and 35 kg N/ha/year. There were sixteen effective palms per treatment. CO3 bushes were harvested at 15 cm height from ground level at 6 monthly intervals. Application of 21 and 35 kg of N/ha/year gave the highest (P > 0.05) dry matter yield (DM) of 216 and 225 kg per ha per year respectively compared to other treatments. An average nut yield of 55, 53 and 56 nuts per tree per year were observed in plots receiving 14, 21 and 35 kg N/ha/year respectively. CO3 roots were spread in an area of 0.94 m (width) and 0.65 m (depth). Application of 21 kg of N/ha/year was determined as the best rate of nitrogen to be applied after each pruning of CO3 cultivated under coconut. It is advisable to cultivate only 3 rows of CO3 within a coconut square to avoid CO3 roots invading into the manure circle of the coconut palm.