Offered Papers Theme C: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland
The possibility of estimating browse quality and productivity of black locust (BL; Robinia pseudoacacia L.) herbage from accumulated air temperature heat units (growing degree days, GDD) could be a valuable tool for researchers and graziers in efficient allocation of feed resources. Accumulated air temperature heat units (GDD) above a 10° C base have been used to predict several forage quality constituents (Onstad & Fick ,1983).
Unruh Snyder, L. J.; Mueller, J. Paul; Luginbuhl, Jean-Marie; Turner, K. E.; and Brownie, C., "The Influence of Growing Degree Days on Robinia Pseudoacacia Browse Quality and Productivity in the Southeastern USA" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 80.
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Biology Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons
The Influence of Growing Degree Days on Robinia Pseudoacacia Browse Quality and Productivity in the Southeastern USA
The possibility of estimating browse quality and productivity of black locust (BL; Robinia pseudoacacia L.) herbage from accumulated air temperature heat units (growing degree days, GDD) could be a valuable tool for researchers and graziers in efficient allocation of feed resources. Accumulated air temperature heat units (GDD) above a 10° C base have been used to predict several forage quality constituents (Onstad & Fick ,1983).