Offered Papers Theme C: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland
The introduction of forage legumes into the native pastures of Uruguay is considered an environmentally safe method with which to increase the level of production through the addition of biologically fixed nitrogen. An integrated plant breeding programme was initiated at INIA (National Agricultural Research Institute), Uruguay, with the aim of developing forage legumes able to persist and produce in co-existence with the native (grass dominant) vegetation under cattle and sheep grazing. The programme was conducted in parallel with rhizobial strain selection. During 1998 to 2001 at Glencoe Research Station (32o 01'32"S lat; 57o 00o 39"W long), 326 temperate and subtropical forage legume species were evaluated in the basaltic region of Uruguay. This study provided a set of data with which the legume species could be ranked according to their performance (Real et al., 2004) so that the best 10% could be selected for further evaluation and breeding. The best species according to objectively measured characters (i.e. forage and seed yield) could be very valuable to certain farming systems and farmers, but might be of little value for other farmers and their systems. A significant relationship between the farm decision making unit and the farming systems has been reported for this region (Ferreira, 1997). Participatory research has proved to be an effective way to include farmers' local knowledge in plant breeding programmes (Dusseldorp & Box, 1993).Therefore, to aid the conventional plant breeding approach, a farmer participatory breeding group was formed.
Real, D.; Ferreira, G. A.; Risso, D. F.; and Mas, C., "Participatory Plant Breeding in Uruguay" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 131.
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Participatory Plant Breeding in Uruguay
The introduction of forage legumes into the native pastures of Uruguay is considered an environmentally safe method with which to increase the level of production through the addition of biologically fixed nitrogen. An integrated plant breeding programme was initiated at INIA (National Agricultural Research Institute), Uruguay, with the aim of developing forage legumes able to persist and produce in co-existence with the native (grass dominant) vegetation under cattle and sheep grazing. The programme was conducted in parallel with rhizobial strain selection. During 1998 to 2001 at Glencoe Research Station (32o 01'32"S lat; 57o 00o 39"W long), 326 temperate and subtropical forage legume species were evaluated in the basaltic region of Uruguay. This study provided a set of data with which the legume species could be ranked according to their performance (Real et al., 2004) so that the best 10% could be selected for further evaluation and breeding. The best species according to objectively measured characters (i.e. forage and seed yield) could be very valuable to certain farming systems and farmers, but might be of little value for other farmers and their systems. A significant relationship between the farm decision making unit and the farming systems has been reported for this region (Ferreira, 1997). Participatory research has proved to be an effective way to include farmers' local knowledge in plant breeding programmes (Dusseldorp & Box, 1993).Therefore, to aid the conventional plant breeding approach, a farmer participatory breeding group was formed.