Offered Papers Theme B: Grassland and the Environment


Agriculture has many functions. Mainly through agri-environment schemes, farmers are asked to manage grasslands of special value to conserve biodiversity. Assessment of grazing as an ecological factor of variation of grassland characteristics is needed to understand how grazing contributes to grassland management for species conservation. Several wader species use wet grasslands preferentially for nesting and foraging. Like many ground-nesting birds, they are very sensitive to the sward structure (see Durant et al., this congress).



Management of Grasslands Used by Waders: Integrating Time and Key Spatial Scales of Grazing Processes

Agriculture has many functions. Mainly through agri-environment schemes, farmers are asked to manage grasslands of special value to conserve biodiversity. Assessment of grazing as an ecological factor of variation of grassland characteristics is needed to understand how grazing contributes to grassland management for species conservation. Several wader species use wet grasslands preferentially for nesting and foraging. Like many ground-nesting birds, they are very sensitive to the sward structure (see Durant et al., this congress).