Offered Papers Theme A: Efficient Production from Grassland


Lucerne growing is important for high and excellent quality yields of hay or silage without application of N fertilisers, as well as for increasing crop diversity in crop rotation systems. It is comparatively expensive to establish lucerne stands in Latvia. Different aspects can affect longevity of lucerne stands: suitability of cultivar to specific conditions, soil characteristics, different stress conditions and cutting management, including frequency and height of cutting, and critical rest period in autumn (Sheaffer et al., 1988). The aim of our study was to evaluate the persistence of lucerne stands without renovation while obtaining reasonable yields.



The Effect of Cutting Regime and Cultivar on Longevity of Pure Lucerne Stands in Latvia

Lucerne growing is important for high and excellent quality yields of hay or silage without application of N fertilisers, as well as for increasing crop diversity in crop rotation systems. It is comparatively expensive to establish lucerne stands in Latvia. Different aspects can affect longevity of lucerne stands: suitability of cultivar to specific conditions, soil characteristics, different stress conditions and cutting management, including frequency and height of cutting, and critical rest period in autumn (Sheaffer et al., 1988). The aim of our study was to evaluate the persistence of lucerne stands without renovation while obtaining reasonable yields.