Offered Papers Theme A: Efficient Production from Grassland
Native grasslands (NG) are the main feed supply of dual-purpose (DP) cows of the Mexican humid tropics. NG comprise about 85% of Paspalum, Axonopus and Cynodon species, about 5% of native legumes, mainly of Desmodium, and the remaining 10% are narrow and broad leafed weeds. Arachis pintoi (AP) is a persistent grazing tolerant tropical legume. In association with sown grasses, it has improved dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive quality of forage, and milk yield up to 9 kg/cow/day (González et al., 1996). The objective was to determine if productive performance of DP cows could be improved by the introduction of AP into NG grassland.
Castillo-Gallegos, E.; Jarillo-Rodríguez, J.; Ocaña-Zavaleta, E.; Marín-Mejía, B.; Mannetje, L. 't; and Aluja-Schunemann, A., "Performance of Dual-Purpose Cows on a Native Pasture-Arachis pintoi Association in the Humid Tropics of Mexico" (2023). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 268.
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Performance of Dual-Purpose Cows on a Native Pasture-Arachis pintoi Association in the Humid Tropics of Mexico
Native grasslands (NG) are the main feed supply of dual-purpose (DP) cows of the Mexican humid tropics. NG comprise about 85% of Paspalum, Axonopus and Cynodon species, about 5% of native legumes, mainly of Desmodium, and the remaining 10% are narrow and broad leafed weeds. Arachis pintoi (AP) is a persistent grazing tolerant tropical legume. In association with sown grasses, it has improved dry matter (DM) yield, nutritive quality of forage, and milk yield up to 9 kg/cow/day (González et al., 1996). The objective was to determine if productive performance of DP cows could be improved by the introduction of AP into NG grassland.