
Controlled or rotational grazing provides benefits to producers and society through profitable and sound management of grazing land and livestock. Pasture land management system (PLMS) is a decision support system developed to help university, government, and professionals provide technical pasture management assistance to beef and dairy producers. The PLMS focuses on the balance between seasonal forage supply and nutrient demand in a dairy or beef cattle operation. It allows users to explore and compare alternatives (dividing fields into multiple paddocks, changing stocking rates, and forage species) through a visual display and embedded simulation. Users enter a description of the farm by drawing a map. Maps can be drawn freehand, traced over a scanned image, or GIS data may be incorporated. Once map and field data are entered the grazing options are specified via input screens. Grazing systems can be easily compared without economic risk and with almost immediate feedback on how these alternative systems affect variables like milk production and pounds of beef sold. PLMS serves as both an educational tool and a strategic planning tool for evaluating alternative grazing operations and management related investments (website:



Pasture Land Management System Decision Support Software

Controlled or rotational grazing provides benefits to producers and society through profitable and sound management of grazing land and livestock. Pasture land management system (PLMS) is a decision support system developed to help university, government, and professionals provide technical pasture management assistance to beef and dairy producers. The PLMS focuses on the balance between seasonal forage supply and nutrient demand in a dairy or beef cattle operation. It allows users to explore and compare alternatives (dividing fields into multiple paddocks, changing stocking rates, and forage species) through a visual display and embedded simulation. Users enter a description of the farm by drawing a map. Maps can be drawn freehand, traced over a scanned image, or GIS data may be incorporated. Once map and field data are entered the grazing options are specified via input screens. Grazing systems can be easily compared without economic risk and with almost immediate feedback on how these alternative systems affect variables like milk production and pounds of beef sold. PLMS serves as both an educational tool and a strategic planning tool for evaluating alternative grazing operations and management related investments (website: