Plenary and Invited Papers Section 3: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland
The XX International Grassland Congress took place in Ireland and the UK in June-July 2005. The main congress took place in Dublin from 26 June to 1 July and was followed by post congress satellite workshops in Aberystwyth, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow and Oxford. The meeting was hosted by the Irish Grassland Association and the British Grassland Society. Proceedings Editor: D. A. McGilloway Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands © Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2005 The copyright holder has granted the permission for posting the proceedings here.
This volume contains a compilation of four plenary papers and twenty nine invited papers presented at the main congress of the XX International Grassland Congress held in University College Dublin, Ireland from 26 June to 1 July 2005. It is complemented by six other books arising from the congress as listed on the back cover: the book of offered papers from the main congress and five books containing the proceedings of five satellite workshops held immediately after the main congress at locations in Ireland and the UK (Aberystwyth, Belfast, Cork, Glasgow and Oxford). The workshops were designed to facilitate more in-depth presentations and discussions on more specialised topics of worldwide significance.
Decision Support for Grassland Systems in Developing Countries P. K. Thornton, ILRI, Kenya |
Paying for Our Keep: Grasslands Decision Support in More-Developed Countries Andrew D. Moore, CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia |
Computer-Based Forage Management Tools: Historical, Current, and Future Applications David B. Hannaway, Oregon State University |
Soil Biology and the Emergence of Adventive Grassland Ecosystems T. R. Seastedt, University of Colorado, Boulder |
The Contribution of Participatory Research: On-Farm Research P. F. Fennessy, Abacus Biotech Limited, New Zealand |
Participatory Research for Smallholder Livestock Systems: Applying Common Sense to Complex Problems P. M. Horne, CIAT, Lao PDR |
Role of Information and Information Providers in Technology Transfer D. Undersander, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Improved Livelihoods from Grasslands; the Case of Napier Grass in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Kenya David Miano Mwangi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kenya |
Adoption of Brachiaria Grasses in Mexico and Central America: A Successful Story F. Holmann, ILRI, Colombia |
Participatory Approach to Common Use Grazing Management in Dry Area Developing Countries J. Tiedeman, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Syria |
Decision Support for Grassland Systems in Developing Countries P. K. Thornton, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), UK |