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Four cultivars of Panicum maximum, grown in pots, were evaluated regarding their leaf appearance and elongation rates, tillering appearance rate, as well as growth indices. Differences among cultivars were found as to leaf appearance and elongation rates and tillering rates. Main tiller leaf appearance was higher relative to primary tiller in the seedling growth, only. Primary tiller showed higher leaf elongation rate in the aftermath growth. No difference among cultivars was found for drymatter yield after 52 d growth period, leaf mortality, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio and relative growth rate.



Morphogenesis and Growth Analysis of Panicum Maximum Cultivars

Four cultivars of Panicum maximum, grown in pots, were evaluated regarding their leaf appearance and elongation rates, tillering appearance rate, as well as growth indices. Differences among cultivars were found as to leaf appearance and elongation rates and tillering rates. Main tiller leaf appearance was higher relative to primary tiller in the seedling growth, only. Primary tiller showed higher leaf elongation rate in the aftermath growth. No difference among cultivars was found for drymatter yield after 52 d growth period, leaf mortality, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio and relative growth rate.