Allocation of Carbon-14 to Roots of Different Ages in Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) C Matthew, Massey University |
Fertilizer Nitrogen and Morphogenetic Response in Avena Sativa and Lolium Multiflorum F Lattanzi, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata |
Morphological Development Rates of Perennial Forage Grasses R B. Mitchell, Texas Tech University |
Relationship of Visual and Quantitative Methods of Grass Sward Development R B. Mitchell, Texas Tech University |
G N. Smit, University of the O.F.S |
Kentucky Bluegrass Floral Induction and Cultivar Response to Mechanical Removal of Harvest Residue G A. Murray, University of Idaho |
Response to Drought of White Clover Lines Selected for Different Stolon Morphologies H D. Karsten, Cornell University |
Phyllochron Development in Cool-Season Forage Grasses A B. Frank, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
Root Nitrogen Cycling and Alfalfa Stress Tolerance J J. Volenec, Purdue University |
Winter Survival and Physiology of Contrasting Fall Dormancy Selections of Alfalfa J J. Volenec, Purdue University |
Partitioning of Phosphorus in White Clover Populations with Different Nodulation Patterns J R. Crush, Ruakura Research Centre, NZ |
Yoshito Yamamoto, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan |
Management of Tall Wheatgrass Based on the Leaf Appearance During Spring S Laplace, UNMdP, Argentina |
H Nojima, Chiba University |
The Interaction between Root Distribution and Pasture Growth During Water Deficit D J. Barker, AgResearch, NZ |
Leaf Growth and Anatomy During Winter Droughting of Tetrachne Dregei Plants M G. Klich, Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Effects of Water Stress on Germination and Seedling Growth of Lovegrass Species R E. Brevedan, Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Leaf Anatomy and Ultrastructure of Poa Ligularis After Defoliation and Water Stress M G. Klich, Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Effects of Accelerate Ageing and Low Temperatures on Germination of Range Grasses C Cabeza, Universidad Nacional del Sur |
Water Use Efficiency in Chilean and Argentine Humid Temperate Grass-Legume Pastures H G. Landi, Universidad Nacional de Centro |
Lars T. Havstad, The Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Norway |
Theoretical and Observed Relationships Between Defoliation and Partitioning in Grasses C P.D. Birch, Macaulay Land Research Institute, Scotland |
Effect of Lowered Light Quality (R:FR Ratio) at Targeted Organs on Branching of Trifolium Repens M J.M Hay, Palmerston North, New Zealand |
Relation of Root and Shoot Morphology of Grass Seedlings L E. Moser, University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Characterization of the Leaf Anatomy of Panicum Virgatum Germplasm D S. Fisher, North Carolina State University at Raleigh |
Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Timothy Populations G Belanger, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada |
A Comparison of Production and Soils in Modified Mixed Prairie Community S W. Porter, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Center |
Interpreting Indicators of a Transfer of N from Legume to Grass in Competition Studies P G. Tow, The University of Adelaide |
Early Ontogenetic Responses of Six Commercial Chloris Gayana Cultivars to Salinity E Taleisnik, IFFIVE |
Allelopathic Interactions Among Forage Grasses and Legumes A P.S Souza Filho, EMBRAPA-CPATU |
R A. Distel, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina |
Morphogenesis and Growth Analysis of Panicum Maximum Cultivars A Gomide, Universidade Federal Vicosa |
Light Quality Effects on Grass Seedling Growth and Development P G. Jefferson, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada |
M P. Schellenberg, Agriculture and AgriFood Canada |
M C. Goldfarb, INTA, Argentina |
F D. Hu, CSIRO, Australia |
Biochemical and Isoenzyme Analysis of Seven Pennisetum Purpureum (schum.) Cultivars E E. Bach, Instituto Biologico |
Effects of Nitrogen on the Growth of Hyparrhenia Diplandra J Nkandza, Brazzaville, Congo |
A Del Pozo, INIA, Chile |
M Nassiri, Wageningen Agricultural University |
Water Relations in Berseem Cultivars Under Drought Stress A Iannucci, Instituto Sperimentale Colture Foraggere |
Legume Seedling Development in No Till Pasture Establishment J L. Rossi, Buenos Aires University |
Cynodon Dactylon Control in Conservation Tillage Systems A Rios, INIA La Estanzuela |
V Bouchart, Universite Caen cedex, France |
Intraspecific Competition in Lucerne and Relationships with Reserve Availability Jean Christophe Avice, INRA, I.R.B.A, France |
An Overview of the Physiology and Biochemistry of N Reserves Mobilization in Forage Species F Le Dily, Universite de Caen, France |
M B. Attia, Menoufia University |
Canopy Changes in Healthlands (Erica-Ulex) Grazed by Sheep or Goats R Celaya, CIATA, Spain |
Developmental Characteristics and Renovating Pattern of Reed Canarygrass Shoots in a Sward M Ito, Niigata University |