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Lodging reduces seed yield in perennial herbage grass. The adverse effect of lodging on seed yield may be attributed to reduced photoassimilate supply. This investigation examined plant dry matter partitioning, carbohydrate status and seed yield components in lodged and upright tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Studies were performed in field plots in -1990 and 1991. Seed yield components (seed number per panicle, total seed weight per panicle, and single seed weight) and leaf, stem and spikelet total water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) data were collected. Lodging 6 days prior to anthesis had no effect on final seed number per panicle but did reduce seed weight by 11% in 1990and by 23% in 1991.Consequently, total seed weight per panicle was reduced by 8% in 1990 and by 24% in 1991. Lodging reduced total shoot dry weight and WSC. Developing seeds of lodged tall fcscue out-compete storage sinks fll' assimilate when lodging reduced photoassimilate supply.
Griffith, Stephen M., "Tall Fescue Dry Matter Partitioning and Seed Yield Components in Response to Lodging" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 6.
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Tall Fescue Dry Matter Partitioning and Seed Yield Components in Response to Lodging
Lodging reduces seed yield in perennial herbage grass. The adverse effect of lodging on seed yield may be attributed to reduced photoassimilate supply. This investigation examined plant dry matter partitioning, carbohydrate status and seed yield components in lodged and upright tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Studies were performed in field plots in -1990 and 1991. Seed yield components (seed number per panicle, total seed weight per panicle, and single seed weight) and leaf, stem and spikelet total water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) data were collected. Lodging 6 days prior to anthesis had no effect on final seed number per panicle but did reduce seed weight by 11% in 1990and by 23% in 1991.Consequently, total seed weight per panicle was reduced by 8% in 1990 and by 24% in 1991. Lodging reduced total shoot dry weight and WSC. Developing seeds of lodged tall fcscue out-compete storage sinks fll' assimilate when lodging reduced photoassimilate supply.