Theme 08: Grazing Ecology
Expressed changes were evaluated as consequence of the cattle grazing, or their exclusion, in the structure of plant communities of the Flooding Pampa. We center our interest in the species numbers, plant cover, species diversity and forage availability. The treatments were: a) continuous grazing, b) enclosure grazing and c) controlled grazing. The enclosure grazing area was installed two years before starting the measurements. In the continuous grazing St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum Walt.) holds its initial cover of 64 % and dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) the 15 %. In the enclosure grazing S. secundatum decreased its cover up to 15 % and in the meanwhile P. dilatatum increased its cover up to 47 %. In controlled grazing S. secundatum decreased its cover up to 30 % while P. dilatatum increased its cover up to 47 %. The great availability of the forages established was concentrated in the compartment of the gramineous (continuos grazing: 1,576 kg.ha-1; controlled grazing: 1,852 kg.ha-1 and enclosure grazing: 4,785 kg.ha-1) and the biggest contribution was given by P. dilatatum. In the condition of this trial, with a prolonged enclosure grazing, the erect gramineous like P. dilatatum increased their plant cover displacing from the grassland those ones of creeping stoloniferous habits like S. secundatum. In the meanwhile the controlled grazing started to show legumes such as birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit) which are lost with the continuous grazing.
Ansín, O. E.; Oyhamburu, Estrella M.; Hoffmann, E. A.; and Eirin, M. A., "Structure and Function Vegetation Conditions by Grazing Processes in a Humid Pampean Grassland (Argentina)" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 2.
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Structure and Function Vegetation Conditions by Grazing Processes in a Humid Pampean Grassland (Argentina)
Expressed changes were evaluated as consequence of the cattle grazing, or their exclusion, in the structure of plant communities of the Flooding Pampa. We center our interest in the species numbers, plant cover, species diversity and forage availability. The treatments were: a) continuous grazing, b) enclosure grazing and c) controlled grazing. The enclosure grazing area was installed two years before starting the measurements. In the continuous grazing St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum Walt.) holds its initial cover of 64 % and dallis grass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) the 15 %. In the enclosure grazing S. secundatum decreased its cover up to 15 % and in the meanwhile P. dilatatum increased its cover up to 47 %. In controlled grazing S. secundatum decreased its cover up to 30 % while P. dilatatum increased its cover up to 47 %. The great availability of the forages established was concentrated in the compartment of the gramineous (continuos grazing: 1,576 kg.ha-1; controlled grazing: 1,852 kg.ha-1 and enclosure grazing: 4,785 kg.ha-1) and the biggest contribution was given by P. dilatatum. In the condition of this trial, with a prolonged enclosure grazing, the erect gramineous like P. dilatatum increased their plant cover displacing from the grassland those ones of creeping stoloniferous habits like S. secundatum. In the meanwhile the controlled grazing started to show legumes such as birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit) which are lost with the continuous grazing.