Theme 04: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Saturated field hydraulic conductivity was measured, using a Guelph permeameter, at the depths of 10, 20 and 60 cm, to verify the effect of intensively managed, compared to extensively managed ones, beef cattle production systems on pastures grown on three soils (Hapludox, Eutrudox, Paleudalf), in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, under tropical altitude climate. Significant differences occurred within depths (P < 0.05). However, differences decreased with years and, therefore, differences among soils and between management systems were also reduced. Highest mean conductivity values occurred at 60-cm depth and at the extensively managed sward on the sandy Hapludox. Intensively managed Paleudalf showed high resistance to reduction of conductivity at 10-cm depth. A general year effect appeared claiming for more studies on this matter.
Primavesi, O.; Primavesi, A. C.; and Vieira, S. R., "Saturated Field Hydraulic Conductivity Variation in Intensively Managed Tropical Pastures" (2021). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 30.
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Saturated Field Hydraulic Conductivity Variation in Intensively Managed Tropical Pastures
Saturated field hydraulic conductivity was measured, using a Guelph permeameter, at the depths of 10, 20 and 60 cm, to verify the effect of intensively managed, compared to extensively managed ones, beef cattle production systems on pastures grown on three soils (Hapludox, Eutrudox, Paleudalf), in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, under tropical altitude climate. Significant differences occurred within depths (P < 0.05). However, differences decreased with years and, therefore, differences among soils and between management systems were also reduced. Highest mean conductivity values occurred at 60-cm depth and at the extensively managed sward on the sandy Hapludox. Intensively managed Paleudalf showed high resistance to reduction of conductivity at 10-cm depth. A general year effect appeared claiming for more studies on this matter.