Born to Run Digital: The British Library’s Pioneering Journey to a Brave New World
Start Date
8-10-2016 11:00 AM
Aug 10th, 11:00 AM
Born to Run Digital: The British Library’s Pioneering Journey to a Brave New World
Speaker's Bio
Keynote speaker, Patrick Fleming, joined the British Library in 2007 after a career in media and publishing. He is a former investigative and campaigning journalist and daily newspaper editor. He worked for both national and regional newspapers in the UK editing three regional daily newspapers. He has held a variety of roles at the British Library, including head of Newspaper Operations at the former British Library, Colindale newspaper library. He led the Library’s £33m Newspaper Programme to transform the preservation, storage and access to the world’s greatest newspaper collection. For the past 18 months, as Head of Business Change, Patrick has led the overall transformation programme for the Library’s St Pancras London Campus. In July 2016 he took up a new role as Director of Development at the British Library.