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Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Kevin D. Donohue


A potential characterization tool for printer quality is the power spectral density (PSD) analysis of flat-field printer outputs. This thesis explains the relationship between the PSD and characteristics of printer defects using examples of scanned printer outputs. In addition, a protocol is also presented for scanning flat fields and performing a PSD analysis. The protocol considers sampling and windowing issues to best focus on defects or quality issues of interest. The main objective of this work is to determine the interactive relationships of print defect patterns such as graininess, streaking, and banding under flat-field hardcopy outputs. The additive and multiplicative models are considered for describing the interaction between printer defects. Simulated print defect patterns and metrics base on the PSD are used to demonstrate the patterns generated by multiplicative and additive processes. These results are compared the PSD of actual flat-field prints from digital printers to draw conclusion concerning actual artifact interaction. For all defects examined the additive model is shown to be a good model of the interactions between printer defects.
