Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Arts and Sciences




Dr. Michael Samers


This dissertation analyzes the ways in which Latino migrants in East Boston represent their material and imagined socio-spatial mobilities in the city. It considers the ways in which participants discuss the relationship of their mobilities to experiences of social exclusion and inclusion as well as feelings of belonging. The first empirical chapter specifically analyses how participants’ motility—or capacities for being mobile—interfaced with their experiences (or lack thereof) of onward migration. It finds that there is a complex relationship between onward migration and participants' motility. The second empirical chapter considers how participants represented encounters with others in the city as emotional moments that then further impacted where they felt comfortable going in the city, how they traveled in the city, and the places they avoided. The third empirical chapter analyzes the intersection of mobility with subalternity through some recent contributions to urban studies. Specifically, it considers two categories of analysis—gray spaces and peripheries—to analyze how domination is produced through mobility as well as to contribute to the categories of analysis meant to disrupt the equation of certain types of ‘subaltern space’ with the condition of subalternity.

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