Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nutrition and Food Systems (MSNFS)

Document Type

Master's Thesis


Agriculture, Food and Environment


Dietetics and Human Nutrition

First Advisor

Dr. Sandra Bastin


The number of farmers’ markets in the United States has increased over 300% in past two decades. Many studies have also shown a positive association between an increased access to farmers’ markets and consumption of fruits and vegetables. However, few studies have explored relationships between older consumers aged 55+ whose fruit and vegetable consumption and their attendance at farmers’ markets. In Taiwan, no previous studies regarding farmers’ markets had been conducted from nutritional perspectives. The aims of this study were to determine general characteristics of farmers’ markets shoppers and their perceptions regarding the markets in Lexington, Kentucky and Taipei City, Taiwan; to compare the amount of fruit and vegetable consumption and shopping behaviors between older and younger consumers; to identify common barriers that affect consumers shopping at farmers’ markets; and to compare similarities and differences of farmers’ markets in these two cities. The results of this descriptive, cross-sectional, and cross-cultural study shown that, although overall farmers’ market shoppers had a higher fruit and vegetable consumption compared to statewide data, the average amount of fruit and vegetable intake still failed to meet the standards recommended by the dietary guidelines in both cities, regardless of age.

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