The Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty Publications collection was formerly known as the Geology Faculty Publications collection.


Submissions from 2025


Clay minerals origin and paleoclimate implications in quaternary deposits of the Saïs Plain, Fez-Morocco, Ayman Agharabi, L. Karrat, Frank R. Ettensohn, N. Har, L. Gourari, H. Bedelean, C. Balica, and C. V. Mircescu


The influence of glacial topography on fluvial efficiency in the Teton Range, Wyoming (USA), Sarah E. Johnson, Meredith Swallom, J. Ryan Thigpen, Michael M. McGlue, Jason M. Dortch, Sean Gallen, Edward W. Woolery, and Kevin M. Yeager


Production of alinite-chlormayenite clinker and its hydration behavior with increasing gypsum content, Marco Simoni, Aniruddha Baral, Zhili Ren, Tristana Y. Duvallet, Robert B. Jewell, Christiane Rößler, and Theodore Hanein

Submissions from 2024


Free and forced vibrations of elastically restrained cantilever with lumped oscillator, Alireza Babaei, Johné Parker, and Paria Moshaver


Paradox lost: wide gape in the Ordovician brachiopod Rafinesquina explains how unattached filter-feeding strophomenoids thrived on muddy substrates, Benjamin F. Dattilo, Rebecca L. Freeman, Kyle Hartshorn, David Peterman, Aaron Morse, David L. Meyer, Lindsay G. Dougan, and James W. Hagadorn


A Comparative Study of Cave System Calcium Isotope Ratios: Implications for Quantitative Reconstruction of Paleorainfall From Speleothems, Cameron B. de Wet, Elizabeth M. Griffith, Andrea Erhardt, and Jessica L. Oster


Mapping recent timber harvest activity in a temperate forest using single date airborne LiDAR surveys and machine learning: lessons for conservation planning, G. Bursh Fisher, Andrew J. Elmore, Matthew C. Fitzpatrick, Darin J. McNeil, Jeff W. Atkins, and Jeffery L. Larkin


Maximizing Mining Operations: Unlocking the Crucial Role of Intelligent Fleet Management Systems in Surface Mining’s Value Chain, Arman Hazrathosseini and Ali Moradi Afrapoli


Crowdsourced geospatial data is reshaping urban sciences, Xiao Huang, Siqin Wang, Tianjun Lu, Yisi Liu, and Leticia Serrano-Estrada


Crowdsourcing Geospatial Data for Earth and Human Observations: A Review, Xiao Huang, Siqin Wang, Di Yang, Tao Hu, Meixu Chen, Mengxi Zhang, Guiming Zhang, Filip Biljecki, Tianjun Lu, Lei Zou, Connor Y. H. Wu, Yoo Min Park, Xiao Li, Yunzhe Liu, Hongchao Fan, Jessica Mitchell, Zhenlong Li, and Alexander Hohl


Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change, Kathryn H. Jacobsen, Caryl E. Waggett, Pamela Berenbaum, Brett R. Bayles, Gail L. Carlson, René English, Carlos A Faerron Guzmán, Meredith L. Gartin, Liz Grant, Thomas L. Henshaw, Lora L. Iannotti, Philip J. Landrigan, Nina Lansbury, Hao Li, Maureen Y. Lichtveld, Ketrell McWhorter, Jessica E. Rettig, Cecilia J. Sorensen, Eric J. Wetzel, Dawn Michele Whitehead, Peter J. Winch, and Keith Martin


Topography and Wildfire Jointly Mediate Postfire Ecosystem Multifunctionality in a Chinese Boreal Forest, Jianjian Kong, Zifan Ding, Wenhua Cai, Jiaxing Zu, Bo Liu, and Jian Yang


Wildfire effects on the fate of deposited nitrogen in a boreal larch forest, Weili Liu, Jiaxing Zu, B. Liu, Lin Qi, Wei Huang, Yunting Fang, and Jian Yang


Nitrate Removal by Floating Treatment Wetlands under Aerated and Unaerated Conditions: Field and Laboratory Results, Jenna McCoy, Matt Chaffee, Aaron Mittelstet, Tiffany L. Messer, and Steve Comfort


Mapping urban form into local climate zones for the continental US from 1986–2020, Meng Qi, Chunxue Xu, Wenwen Zhang, Matthias Demuzere, Perry Hystad, Tianjun Lu, Peter James, Benjamin Bechtel, and Steve Hankey


Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture, Laura Vang Rasmussen and Ingo Grass


Impacts of anthropogenic sedimentation on shell-bed habitats in Lake Tanganyika, Africa, Michael Soreghan, Andrew Cohen, Michael M. McGlue, Kevin M. Yeager, Emily Ryan, Alison Johns, and Ishmael Kimirei


Expanding Karst Groundwater Tracing Techniques: Incorporating Population Genetic and Isotopic Data to Enhance Flow-Path Characterization, Benjamin Tobin, Benjamin V. Miller, Matthew Niemiller, and Andrea Erhardt


Transformation of organic to inorganic nitrogen in NH4 +-illite-bearing and Ga-Al-REE-rich bituminous coals: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes and functionalities, Qian Wang, Shifeng Dai, Victor P. Nechaev, David French, Ian Graham, Lei Zhao, Shaowei Zhang, Yang Liang, and James C. Hower


Fine-Scale Mangrove Species Classification Based on UAV Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Using Machine Learning, Yuanzheng Yang, Zhouju Meng, Jiaxing Zu, Wenhua Cai, Jiali Wang, Hongxin Su, and Jian Yang

Submissions from 2023


Magnetotelluric insights into the formation and reactivation of trans-crustal shear zones in Precambrian basement of the eastern U.S. Midcontinent, Benjamin S. Murphy, Michael S. DeLucia, Stephen Marshak, Dhananjay Ravat, and Paul A. Bedrosian

Submissions from 2021


Modeling of Groundwater Potential Using Cloud Computing Platform: A Case Study from Nineveh Plain, Northern Iraq, Ali ZA. Al-Ozeer, Alaa M. Al-Abadi, Tariq Abed Hussain, Alan E. Fryar, Biswajeet Pradhan, Abdullah Alamri, and Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud


Migmatite-Like Textures in Anthracite: Further Evidence for Low-Grade Metamorphic Melting and Resolidification in High-Rank Coals, James C. Hower, Susan M. Rimmer, Maria Mastalerz, and Nicola J. Wagner


Climate, Vegetation, and Weathering across Space and Time in Lake Tanganyika (Tropical Eastern Africa), Sarah J. Ivory, Michael M. McGlue, Cara Peterman, Patrick Baldwin, Joseph Lucas, Andrew Cohen, James Russell, Justina Saroni, Emma Msaky, Ishmael Kimirei, and Michael Soreghan


Tectonic Transport Directions, Shear Senses and Deformation Temperatures Indicated by Quartz c-Axis Fabrics and Microstructures in a NW-SE Transect across the Moine and Sgurr Beag Thrust Sheets, Caledonian Orogen of Northern Scotland, Richard D. Law, J. Ryan Thigpen, Sarah E. Mazza, Calvin A. Mako, Maarten Krabbendam, Brandon M. Spencer, Kyle T. Ashley, Robin A. Strachan, and Ella F. Davis