Author ORCID Identifier
Date Available
Year of Publication
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Arts and Sciences
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology)
Dr. James Ryan Thigpen
Terrestrial paleoseismological records along the Teton fault have historically indicated two-to-three major post-Pinedale (~14 ka) earthquake events, leaving an unresolved 6-9 m offset along the modern scarp. Recent studies of Jenny Lake have augmented this record, but the triggering mechanism is still equivocal until new paleo-earthquake records are developed. The earthquake record of the Teton fault is complicated by quiescence from ~5 ka to present, demonstrating the need for additional paleoseismic investigations. Compressed, high-intensity radar pulse (CHIRP) reflection data from Jackson Lake indicates multiple potentially seismically-induced mass transport deposits (MTDs). At least six MTD Groups representing chronostratigraphic intervals were interpreted to be linked potentially to seismicity due to their number, thicknesses, and spatial distribution. Using a range of sedimentation rates, we approximate the ages of these MTD Groups to be ~5.5 ka, ~11.3 ka, ~10.9 ka, ~12.9 ka, ~16.5 ka, and ~20.2 ka, although the application of rates here introduces considerable error. Future Jackson Lake research will establish an absolute chronology in the upper ~50 m of lake strata, identifying MTD event timing using long cores. If seismically-derived MTDs are dated to times not yet recognized, these lake sediment records could substantially augment the recent history of Teton fault slip.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Funding Information
This study was supported by the National Science Foundation Tectonics Program EAR 1932808 in 2020 to 2023, awarded to Dr. James Ryan Thigpen.
Recommended Citation
Cortese, Callia Jacqueline, "CLOSING THE MODERN SEISMIC GAP ALONG THE TETON FAULT VIA SEISMIC MAPPING OF MASS TRANSPORT DEPOSITS IN JACKSON LAKE, WY" (2023). Theses and Dissertations--Earth and Environmental Sciences. 98.
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