Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Arts and Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology)


Dr. Stephen F. Greb

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Frank R. Ettensohn


Carbon sequestration, or carbon capture and storage (CCS), is the process of capturing anthropogenically generated CO2, transporting the CO2 to an injection site, and then injecting the CO2 into suitable reservoirs for long-term storage, or sequestration. Integral to the successful sequestration of CO2 is an understanding of the confining intervals (seals) above potential reservoirs. The purpose of this thesis research was to perform a detailed geological study of the Eau Claire Formation and equivalent parts of the Conasauga Group in part of the Ohio River Valley region in order to better evaluate its suitability as a confining interval for the underlying Mount Simon Sandstone and basal sandstone equivalents. Detailed correlations of subsurface data using available geophysical logs, cores, and cuttings are used to correlate facies between the Eau Claire Formation in western and central Kentucky and the Conasauga Group in eastern Kentucky and neighboring areas. Additional information on the confining potential of the Eau Claire and Conasauga formations were obtained through porosity evaluation and XRF analyses in combination with available geochemical and permeability data, which are keyed to the correlations.

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Geology Commons
