Exploring the Relationship between School Climate and Emotion Regulation Skills in Adolescents

Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation




Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Kathleen Aspiranti


School plays a significant factor in students’ lives, so it is important that students enjoy the school atmosphere and perceive the overall school climate as positive. Positive school climate and adaptive emotion regulation skills have been found to be a protective factor for academic performance and well-being. Adolescents may experience poorer emotion regulation skills and are more likely to experience negative perceptions of school climate. The study purpose was to examine the relationship between school climate and emotion regulation skills in adolescents. Two objectives were explored: 1) whether students emotion regulation skills influence perceptions of school climate; and 2) which individual and collective student factors impact this relationship. Participants included 316 high school students who were on a traditional diploma track. The study used an exploratory design using a multiple regression analysis. Students completed self-report measures of their emotion regulation skills and perceptions of school climate, in addition to demographic information. Results indicated that emotion regulation skills significantly predict school climate perceptions, although the relationship is statistically weak. Emotional awareness has the greatest impact in predicting school climate, particularly regarding sense of community within a school. Some moderating effects were observed among sex, race, grade, and disability type. Special education status did not moderate the relationship between school climate and emotion regulation skills. Implications for educators and study limitations are discussed.

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