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Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)




Curriculum and Instruction


Dr. Joan Mazur


This purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between classroom discourse and interactive pedagogies when using the interactive whiteboard (IWB) for worked example instruction. Using an embedded single case study design (Yin, 2003), the researcher examined the effect of interactive pedagogies and the differences in whole class dialogue and student self-explanation about the worked example. The sources of data included two classroom observations of teacher directed instruction and one classroom observation of student directed instruction. Each worked example presentation used a different level of interactive pedagogy as defined by Glover, et al., 2006. These included the supported didactic, interactive, and enhanced interactive.

Results of the content analysis indicated the students used more features and affordances of the IWB to facilitate conceptual development than the teacher. However, under both the teacher directed and student directed instructional methods, the IWB was used mainly for the display of the procedural steps. As a result, the IWB supported explanations that gave meaning to a set of quantitative expressions or imposed the purpose of an action rather than expand on conceptual conditions or inferences about the worked example.

Teachers’ understanding of content, learning, and pedagogical practices for using the IWB is an essential element in their ability to present worked example instruction so that it facilitates student learning about the worked examples. Findings suggest implications for rethinking Activity Theory informed professional development and the need to explicitly task the teacher as a role model for students to engage with interactive display technologies for dialogic understanding.

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