Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)




Electrical and Computer Engineering


Dr. Kevin D. Donohue


Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) based algorithms and Steered Response Power (SRP) based algorithms are two most commonly used methods for sound source detection and localization. SRP is more robust under high reverberation and multi-target conditions, while TDOA is less computationally intensive. This thesis introduces a modified TDOA algorithm, TDOA delay table search (TDOA-DTS), that has more stable performance than the original TDOA, and requires only 4% of the SRP computation load for a 3-dimensional space of a typical room. A 2-step adaptive thresholding procedure based on a Weibull noise peak distributions for the cross-correlations and a binomial distribution for combing potential peaks over all microphone pairs for the final detection. The first threshold limits the potential target peaks in the microphone pair cross-correlations with a user-defined false-alarm (FA) rates. The initial false-positive peak rate can be set to a higher level than desired for the final FA target rate so that high accuracy is not required of the probability distribution model (where model errors do not impact FA rates as they work for threshold set deep into the tail of the curve). The final FA rate can be lowered to the actual desired value using an M out of N (MON) rule on significant correlation peaks from different microphone pairs associated is a point in the space of interest. The algorithm is tested with simulated and real recorded data to verify resulting FA rates are consistent with the user-defined rates down to 10-6.

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