Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Jean Edward
Committee Member
Dr. Holly Chitwood
Committee Member
Dr. Tamra Langley
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Sandra Reagan
Background: The personal connection that Registered Nurses (RNs) build with patients and their families puts them at the forefront of many conversations during the patient’s stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). Some of the most difficult conversations are related to palliative care (PC). It can be challenging to know how to respond to the complex questions posed in palliative care conversations (PCC) when patients and their caregivers are making decisions that will alter the course of the patient’s treatment, as well as affect the quality and length of their life.
Purpose: Nurses receive inadequate training in PCC. The purpose of this project was to implement an educational podcast intervention to improve the knowledge, confidence, and behaviors of ICU RNs related to PCC with patients and their caregivers.
Methods: This study used a one group pre-post design in which participants completed an electronic survey immediately prior to and one month following the intervention. Surveys collected information on participant demographics; as well as knowledge, confidence and behaviors related to PCC with patients and their caregivers. Frequency distributions summarized the demographic characteristics, REMAP application questions, & podcast specific questions. Paired sample t-tests were used to evaluate changes in ICU RN knowledge, confidence, and behaviors from pre- and post- survey scores.
Results: 33 participants completed the pre-intervention survey, 18 went on to complete the post. Comparative analysis was based on these 18 participants and demonstrated a statistically significant increase in the knowledge of ICU RNs related to PCC with patients and their caregivers. The pre-survey mean score for knowledge was 3.67, post-survey mean score was 4.89 (p=p=
Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that podcast interventions can lead to increased knowledge and improved confidence among ICU RNs related to PCC with patients and their caregivers. Future research efforts should focus on expanding the overall utilization of podcast education across a variety of practice areas.
Recommended Citation
Estridge, Brittany, "Utilizing Podcast Education to Improve Nurse Knowledge, Confidence, and Behaviors Related to Palliative Care Conversations in the Intensive Care Unit" (2023). DNP Projects. 415.
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Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Critical Care Nursing Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Educational Technology Commons, Geriatric Nursing Commons, Interprofessional Education Commons, Palliative Nursing Commons