Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


Dr. Julianne Ossege

Committee Member

Dr. Nancy Kloha

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Jo Singleton


The use of opioids is associated with risks for misuse, abuse, addiction and diversion, which are directly related to increased healthcare utilization, increased healthcare cost, and poor patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of controlled substance (CS) patient education that was implemented into the electronic medical record. The objectives were to 1.) assess whether patients received the CS after visit summary (AVS) and 2.) assess differences in pain management knowledge between those who received the AVS and those who did not. Methods This descriptive correlational designed study examined the differences in pain management knowledge between those who did and did not receive the AVS. The study included patients that received care and a prescription for a controlled substance at a primary care office for management of chronic noncancerous pain. Knowledge of the patients’ pain medication was measured via an anonymous written survey that was administered by the primary care office front desk staff. Results A total of 317 patients met inclusion criteria and therefore their names were given to the front desk staff to offer the survey. Thirty seven useable surveys were returned. There was no significant knowledge difference between the two groups and over all both groups were generally knowledgeable about controlled substances. Conclusion Although there was no significant difference in knowledge between the two groups in this study, the literature supports the use of written patient education. The addition of further controlled substance education utilizing different avenues of media would compliment the AVS and be helpful to increase patient knowledge.
