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Degree Name
Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
Recommended Citation
Mayhugh, Alyscia, "Systemic Solutions to Addressing Juvenile Sexual Offending" (2022). DSW Capstone Projects. 30.
Research on and treatment of juvenile sexual offenders has surged since the 1980s. While research on this social justice issue has expanded over the past four decades, little has been done in the United States to systemically address the recidivism rates of juvenile sexual offenders. The systematic literature review explores existing literature on this topic, with a focus on thematic categories that emerged through data extraction and analysis. The conceptual paper presents a unique idea for addressing juvenile sexual offending systemically, emphasizing the value of utilizing incrementalism and trauma theory to enact changes to existing systems. The final practice application paper highlights specific solutions to address this issue from a macro perspective, with specific attention paid towards successful interventions utilized globally. Each of these papers provides unique information about juvenile sexual offending and explores this social justice issue from varying perspectives. While each of these papers exists independently from one another, undoubtedly, they are sewn together with a common thread. Specifically, concerns about biased lawmaking and the Developmental Life Course criminology perspective seamlessly weave these papers together, to create a cohesive capstone project that provides a comprehensive overview of how to best address this problem.