Understanding Diversity
Understanding Diversity, 1/e by Claire M. Renzetti and Raquel M. Kennedy-Bergen is composed of original contributions written by both well-known sociologists as well as newer voices whose cutting edge work is likely to significantly impact the field. Readers will find it easy to relate to this title, as every topic has been chosen based on its relevancy to college students. Students will emerge with an understanding of how the intersecting inequalities of race, gender, social class, sexuality, age, immigration status, and geographic location influence how various problems are socially and politically framed, and how they are differentially experienced.
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Feminist Criminology
Feminist criminology grew out of the Women’s Movement of the 1970s, in response to the male dominance of mainstream criminology – which meant that not only were women largely excluded from carrying out criminological research, they were also barely considered as subjects of that research.
In this volume, Claire Renzetti traces the development of feminist criminology from the 1970s to the present, examining the diversity of feminisms which have developed:
- liberal feminist criminology
- Marxist, radical and socialist feminist criminologies
- structured action theory
- left realism
- postmodern feminism
- black/multiracial feminist criminology.
She shows how these perspectives have made a great ...Read More
Clergy Sexual Abuse: Social Science Perspectives
This book brings together experts primarily from the fields of criminology, criminal justice, law, and social work, but also cultural anthropology and psychology, to analyze clergy sexual abuse from the perspective of their individual disciplines. Contributors examine the latest data and analyses on the scope and impact of clergy sexual abuse, frame the problem in terms of sociological and criminological theories of crime and deviance, explore the social and legal issues the problem raises for the personal and communal life of faith communities, and discuss possibilities for reform, reconciliation, and healing. Covering sexual abuse of both minors and adults, chapters ...Read More
Women, Men, and Society
The authors assist students in connecting a central element of their own lives — their personal gender experiences — with the social and political world in which they live.
This popular book looks at the ways in which gender is socially constructed, how sexism and gender inequality affect men and women, and how other variables compound the problem of gender inequality.
(Description from publisher)
Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies
Criminological research has historically been based on the study of men, boys and crime. As a result, the criminal justice system’s development of policies, programs, and treatment regimes was based on the male offender. It was not until the 1970s that some criminologists began to draw attention to the neglect of gender in the study of crime, but today, the study of gender and crime is burgeoning within criminology and includes a vast literature.
The Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies is a collection of original, cutting-edge, multidisciplinary essays which provide a thorough overview of the history and ...Read More
Companion Reader on Violence Against Women
Designed to advance knowledge about violence against women and to serve as an inspiration to those studying or working in the field, this companion reader’s 20 original articles focus first on theoretical and methodological issues, then on types of violence against women, and finally on prevention and direct intervention. Readers will find a wide range of articles that draw attention to the global dimensions of violence against women and the importance of taking into account political, economic, and cultural differences across diverse groups of people. While the book’s articles are designed as companion pieces to the chapters in the Second ...Read More
Sourcebook on Violence Against Women
The new edition of this vital resource provides extensive coverage of the current state of research, theory, prevention, and intervention regarding violence against women. Each of the 18 chapters belongs to one of three parts: theoretical and methodological issues in researching violence against women, types of violence against women, or prevention and direct intervention. The editors and contributing authors have crafted their work to encourage discussion and debate and also to address issues of diversity and cultural contexts, as well as to examine inequalities of race and ethnicity, social class, physical ability, sexual orientation, and geographic location.
(Description from publisher)
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Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence
Interpersonal violence is behavior that intentionally threatens, attempts, or actually inflicts harm on another. This violence invades both the public and private spheres of our lives; many times in unexpected and frightening ways. Interpersonal violence is a problem that individuals could experience at any point during the life span—even before birth. Interpersonal violence is experienced not only throughout the life course but also as a global problem in the form of war, genocide, terrorism, and rape of women as a weapon of war.
The Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence provides accurate, research-supported information to clarify critical issues and educate the public ...Read More
Rethinking Gender, Crime, and Justice: Feminist Readings
Esteemed criminologists Claire M. Renzetti, Lynne Goodstein, and Susan L. Miller's volume of original essays covers a broad range of topics of interest to those who study women, crime, and criminal justice. Contributors include leading scholars of crime and justice such as Ronet Bachman, Joanne Belknap, Jeanne Flavin, James Messerschmidt, Jody Miller, and Merry Morash.
This collection is designed to deepen students' understanding about the essential role that gender plays in the commission of--and societal responses to--criminal behavior. Rethinking Gender, Crime, and Justice demonstrates how our notions of gender, race, and class influence both how society defines crime as well ...Read More
Violence Against Women: Classic Papers
This anthology highlights the original, classic works and critical writings in the field of violence against women. Each reading is an excerpt from a classic book or article that made a significant contribution to the field of violence against women. The anthology also highlights importance of each piece of literature to this field of study and is organized to cover three areas: sexual violence against women, physical violence against women, and interventions with perpetrators of violence against women.
(Description from Amazon.com)