Year of Publication
Public Health
Date Available
Degree Name
Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)
Committee Member
Angela Carman, DrPH
Mark Swanson, PhD
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Kathryn Cardarelli, PhD
The Kentucky River District Health Department proposes the implementation of REVAMP IT in four selected elementary schools in Knott County, Kentucky to improve subjective attitudes towards various aspects of health knowledge, physical activity, social support, and screen-time, as well as reduce biometrically measured television time and increased step count. REVAMP IT is an evidence-based program that utilizes the socioecological model of Public Health to target aspects of the individual, relational, and community level to facilitate changes from multiple aspects. Screen-time and physical activity goals will be individually set by students, and Knott County Elementary School teachers will be responsible for the development of an in-school curriculum that integrates components from various subjects to promote health education. Families will be approached by volunteers of local non-profit organizations for check-ins via in-home visits or telephone calls to collect data, as well as encourage social support and address concerns or suggestions on a personal level. REVAMP IT aligns with the mission of the Kentucky River District Health Department to protect, maintain, and promote the health of the people of the communities it serves. Short-term goals for REVAMP IT are to achieve biometric goals of screen-time as well as physical activity, and achieve subjective improvement (as measured by pre/post-tests, community forums) towards attitudes to physical activity, nutritional habits, access to facilities, and overall understanding of educational materials. Long-term outcomes of the project are to reduce overall rates of both adolescent and adult obesity in Knott County, as well promotion of a greater sense of community support and involvement, providing parents and students with the knowledge and willingness to participate in taking control of their health. Under the leadership of Jessica Cooper and the full-time Project Director, the Kentucky River District Health Department will pair with community organizations such as the Leslie, Knott, Letcher, Perry County Community Action Council (LKLP) and Knott County Tourism Commission to facilitate a smooth implementation of program components through the utilization of local resources and volunteers. Community leaders as well as representatives from the respective elementary schools include teachers and students will play a critical role in oversight and guidance of REVAMP IT. The results of the project will be shared to the community as well as local health departments with the possibility of seeking additional funding for implementation in other rural, low-income and resource-limited areas in Kentucky.
Recommended Citation
Wang, Jonathan, "REVAMP IT: Utilization of Socioecological Approach to Combat Adolescent Obesity in Knott County, Kentucky" (2017). Theses and Dissertations--Public Health (M.P.H. & Dr.P.H.). 153.