Year of Publication



Public Health

Date Available


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)

Committee Member

Tisha Johnson, MD, MPH


David Mannino, MD

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Wayne T. Sanderson, PhD, CIH


From the University of Kentucky Women’s Health Registry Database (KWHRD) a total of 1838 women were voluntarily asked to undergo Spirometric respiratory function tests. These women came to the clinic for various reasons. Various independent variables (risk factors) were also recorded for these women. Among these risk factors were: age, BMI, smoking status, asthmatic status, educational status and ethnicity.

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether any of the risk factors had significant impacts on women’s respiratory health. Appropriate categorizations were tabulated for each risk factor so that comparisons would be possible and easier. The motivation of the research was to find out the negative outcomes of the statistical results of the comparisons of the independent and dependent variables, and develop preventive strategies to promote and improve women’s respiratory health in this specific population. SPSS 22 software was used to analyze the results of the above mentioned risk factors on respiratory function variables. Descriptive statistics, simple regression analysis and multiple analyses were employed.

The results thus obtained demonstrate significant reduction as well as improvement in lung function. Aging is correlated with reduction in respiratory reduction. Increase in BMI, cigarette smoking and asthmatic status also reduce lung function. Educational status was found to have significant impact on women’s respiratory health. The higher the educational status the better the Spirometric measurement results would be. Ethnicity was not significant in the analysis.

The public health implications of the study were to target the risk factors in Kentucky women in order to improve the respiratory function of women in this specific population. Educating, 2 empowering and awareness creation in women help to modify some of the behavioral risk patters to mitigate the negative health effects.

Included in

Public Health Commons
