Key to Unlocking Scholarship: Institutional Repositories | Library Events | University of Kentucky


Considering whether to create an electronic institutional repository? Already taken that step, and now wondering what comes next? University of Kentucky Libraries invites you to join us for a day of examining digital institutional repositories from implementation to the issues of developing and maintaining an established repository. This free event will feature a broad range of learning opportunities for all skill levels.

Sarah Shreeves of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign begins the program with a keynote addressing the state of the art in repository development, and the challenges facing institutions as they work to store and provide access to local scholarship on a global level. Sessions will examine the nuts and bolts of IR set-up, offer examples of creative and innovative uses for an IR beyond faculty scholarship, and generate discussions of how the availability of an IR can improve undergraduate education.

This day promises to provide an opportunity for everyone interested in IRs to interact and learn from one another’s experiences, allowing each repository to offer the fullest benefit to its institution.

Browse the contents of Key to Unlocking Scholarship: Institutional Repositories:

Program 2011