Date Available
Year of Publication
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Communication and Information Studies
Dr. Brandi N. Frisby
This study examined advice interactions following infidelity. Participants (N = 213) completed a survey concerning an instance on infidelity and a subsequent advice interaction. Injured party perceptions of advice interactions were measured by examining advice messages, perceived face threat, and perceived face support, in addition to perceived effectiveness of the advice message. Results from this study showed no significant differences in perceived face threat, perceived face support, or advice effectiveness between different advice messages. Results also indicated both positive and negative face threat as negative predictors of advice effectiveness. While negative face support was a positive predictor of advice effectiveness, positive face support was a negative predictor. When controlling for relational closeness, negative face support was the only significant predictor of advice effectiveness.
Recommended Citation
Eickholt, Molly S., "FACE THREAT, FACE SUPPORT, AND ADVICE EFFECTIVENESS FOLLOWING INFIDELITY" (2013). Theses and Dissertations--Communication. 15.