Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)




Civil Engineering


Dr. Lindell Ormsbee


Several methods have been developed for use in estimating the water quality loads associated with urban and agricultural landuses and practices. These include the use of sophisticated computer models, typically based on using pollutant loading and runoff functions, regression equations, load export coefficients (LECs), and event mean concentrations (EMCs). This research has examined the feasibility of using a simple EMC approach with the Kentucky Nutrient Model (KYNM). The thesis includes an extensive literature review of EMCs and a synthesis of recommended values for a range of typical urban and agricultural landuses. The thesis also includes an extensive literature review of potential BMPs along with a summary of the typical removal efficiencies and costs associated with each type of BMP. The research also explored the potential to use the results from multiple applications of site specific BMP models like the Source Loading and Management Model (WinSLAMM) in the development of general functional relationships that could then be used to evaluate BMP performance on a more site-specific basis. The developed EMC table and the associated BMP performance curves should provide valuable tools for use in better managing nutrient loads for urban and agricultural watersheds.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
