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Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Civil Engineering


Dr. Hala Nassereddine


To combat understaffing in the construction industry, it is necessary to employ the best candidates possible. By identifying the most desirable skills in a construction employee from an industry perspective, institutional learning can better prepare graduates for the construction workforce. Currently there exists an information gap in the objectives of the construction industry and institutional learning. This gap produces graduates, professors, and employers with expectations that do not align. Reducing this gap will aid in the success of hiring recently graduated construction students who can meet the ever-changing demands of the industry. Construction students who are fresh out of college have a general idea of what to expect from prospective organizations looking to hire. Just as well, organizations have a general idea of what to expect from prospective employees and professors have their own idea of what should be taught in the classroom to make for successful graduates. By aligning the objectives of all the parties in question, this gap can be closed. This study examined what is desired in graduates from construction industry professionals. By developing an understanding of industry objectives, institutional learning can be more targeted in its own objectives, facilitating gradates that are more desirable to hire.

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