Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)




Civil Engineering


Dr. L. Sebastian Bryson


Determining soil properties involves extensive laboratory testing of samples at discrete timing and location. Non-destructive analysis methods, such as electrical and seismic, presents alternatives to means of gathering soil properties accompanied with increased flexibility due to spatial and temporal applications. This research examined the ability of seismic wave data to predict soil behavior such as stress-strain and pore pressures using a modified version of Duncan and Chang (1970). Friction angle predictions were also analyzed using shear wave velocity and a modified form of the Santos and Gomez-Correria (2001) equation. This research also analyzed the use of electrical data to predict soil strength properties such as tangent modulus and CBR values using electrical resistance and capacitance. Empirical models were found to accurately predict the triaxial behavior of soil using bender element shear and compression wave measurements. Phi-angles were also predicted using shear wave velocity. Relationships were established between resistivity values and soil strength properties such as tangent modulus and CBR. The ability to use seismic and electrical measurements is viable in predicting soil strength and behavior properties.

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