Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Document Type

Master's Thesis


Agriculture; Engineering


Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. George B. Day V


Gas phase biofilters are used for controlling odors from animal facilities. Some characteristics can affect their performance and moisture content is one very important. A methodology for controlling and measuring moisture content is required to optimize these systems. An experiment was conducted to determine the appropriate placement of a set of soaker hoses 1.2 m in length for water application. It was found that the soaker hose installed in the lower region of the biofilter coupled with appropriate and timely application of water was able to minimize drying of the compost. Thermal conductance proved to be a reliable indicator for measuring the moisture content. Biofilters using the soaker hoses together with the thermal conductance as a media moisture sensor were able to maintain moisture content above 30% w.b. which provided sufficient water for microbial activity and ammonia abatement. A characterization of the ammonia and nitrous oxide concentrations was performed in order to compare the behavior of the gases when water was applied versus no water addition. These analyses revealed that the overall performance was not significantly different between treatments. But a more detailed assessment inside the biofilter media is performed; it is possible to identify different processes taking place.

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Agriculture Commons
