
Subject specialists, collection managers, research consultants, classroom teachers, data managers, publishing advisees, and, and, and... What do the roles of academic library "liaisons" look like in 2018? What do they look like in different academic disciplines, different types of libraries? What do and could they look like in our institution?

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has been aiming to answer these questions through a series of Library Liaison Institutes for academic librarians to gather and discuss the role. As one of the activities presented at the ARL institutes, the "liaison competencies mashup" helps participants think creatively about what it means to be an academic liaison and what should or could be required of library liaisons.

Please join us and discuss! Our afternoon workshop will include a few excerpts from ARL Liaison Institute talks, hands-on workshop activities, and plenty of reflection time with colleagues.

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A workshop conducted at the University of Kentucky Libraries in Lexington, KY.
