Offered Papers Theme C: Delivering the Benefits from Grassland


Mountain pastures have traditionally been maintained by livestock. The analysis of data concerning farms' characteristics, productive-reproductive management and land use of commercial farms can constitute a real approach to study these systems and the changes that are occurring. This information is necessary to develop new utilisation guidelines, making compatible livestock production and conservation of natural resources. This paper describes a methodological framework to study the issues described above through some examples taken out from a wider research project (Mandaluniz et al., 2003).



On-Farm Information: A Valuable Tool for the Sustainable Management of Mountain Pastures in Protected Natural Areas

Mountain pastures have traditionally been maintained by livestock. The analysis of data concerning farms' characteristics, productive-reproductive management and land use of commercial farms can constitute a real approach to study these systems and the changes that are occurring. This information is necessary to develop new utilisation guidelines, making compatible livestock production and conservation of natural resources. This paper describes a methodological framework to study the issues described above through some examples taken out from a wider research project (Mandaluniz et al., 2003).