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The seasonal pattern of nitrogen, starch and vegetative storage protein (VSP) concentrations was studied in the stolons of two Trifolium repens L. genotypes (cv Aran and Rivendel). Maximum concentrations of starch were found in summer months; its hydrolysis occurred in winter, at the time, where VSP and nitrogen were accumulated. The decrease of nitrogen and VSP concentrations occurred during spring, and an inverse relationship was found between VSP concentrations in stolons and mean temperatures. The causal implications of starch and VSP availability on spring regrowth potential are discussed in relation with regulatory mechanism inducing VSP synthesis.



Seasonal Fluctuations of Vegetative Storage Proteins and Starch Concentrations in Stolons of Trifolium Repens L.

The seasonal pattern of nitrogen, starch and vegetative storage protein (VSP) concentrations was studied in the stolons of two Trifolium repens L. genotypes (cv Aran and Rivendel). Maximum concentrations of starch were found in summer months; its hydrolysis occurred in winter, at the time, where VSP and nitrogen were accumulated. The decrease of nitrogen and VSP concentrations occurred during spring, and an inverse relationship was found between VSP concentrations in stolons and mean temperatures. The causal implications of starch and VSP availability on spring regrowth potential are discussed in relation with regulatory mechanism inducing VSP synthesis.