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The aim of this study was to evaluate the DHP elimination in the urine of buffaloes fed with three levels of leucaena (0,10 and 20g of leucaena's DM/kg LW0.75), plus corn silage at 2.5% of LW in D.M. The main purpose was to estimate the levels of mimosine toxicity in those resistant animals. Data showed that DHP started to be eliminated at the first urination in both levels of leucaena. This occurred one hour after ingestion. DHP was present up to the third urination (5 hours after ingestion) in the highest level.



Qualitative Evaluation of D.H.P. (Dihidroxipiridine) in the Urine of Buffaloes Fed with Leucaena

The aim of this study was to evaluate the DHP elimination in the urine of buffaloes fed with three levels of leucaena (0,10 and 20g of leucaena's DM/kg LW0.75), plus corn silage at 2.5% of LW in D.M. The main purpose was to estimate the levels of mimosine toxicity in those resistant animals. Data showed that DHP started to be eliminated at the first urination in both levels of leucaena. This occurred one hour after ingestion. DHP was present up to the third urination (5 hours after ingestion) in the highest level.