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A field trial was conducted over 6 years to assess the relative performance of three phosphate (P) fertilisers of differing solubility (single superphosphate, ‘longlife’ superphosphate, ‘reactive’ phosphate rock) on a permanent pasture at Methven in Canterbury, New Zealand. Plant P uptake data showed that while the overall relative effectiveness of the fertilisers was closely related to their water-soluble P content (single superphosphate > ‘longlife’ superphosphate > ‘reactive’ phosphate rock), the agronomic efficiency of the sparingly soluble phosphate rock fertiliser improved markedly with time. Soil P analysis demonstrated that significant dissolution of phosphate rock had occurred in the soil, and the findings of this trial confirm that phosphate rock is an appropriate P fertiliser for use in pastoral agriculture in New Zealand.



Effects of Different Phosphate Fertilizers on Pasture Nutrition and Soil Phosphorus in Canterbury, New Zealand

A field trial was conducted over 6 years to assess the relative performance of three phosphate (P) fertilisers of differing solubility (single superphosphate, ‘longlife’ superphosphate, ‘reactive’ phosphate rock) on a permanent pasture at Methven in Canterbury, New Zealand. Plant P uptake data showed that while the overall relative effectiveness of the fertilisers was closely related to their water-soluble P content (single superphosphate > ‘longlife’ superphosphate > ‘reactive’ phosphate rock), the agronomic efficiency of the sparingly soluble phosphate rock fertiliser improved markedly with time. Soil P analysis demonstrated that significant dissolution of phosphate rock had occurred in the soil, and the findings of this trial confirm that phosphate rock is an appropriate P fertiliser for use in pastoral agriculture in New Zealand.