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The effects of different soil types and seeding rates and row spacing on the yield of galega (Galega orientalis) have been determined in long-term trials. Over 10 years al the Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, IO00-seed weight was 6.7-8.4 g. Ten-yenr average seed yield (kg/hn) was 241, 305 nnd 424 on soils of pH 5.6, 6.0 and 6,3, respectively. Seed yields of galega were about 6 times those of alfalfa in the soil at pH 6.3. Seeding rate and now spacing hnd little effect on seed yields. In south Sakhalin, galega was winter-hardy at - 47°C and survived drought the following summer. Suitable grazing conditions for galega in the CIS (including the Baltic states) and cultivation techniques are summarised



Role of Galega Seed in Forage Production

The effects of different soil types and seeding rates and row spacing on the yield of galega (Galega orientalis) have been determined in long-term trials. Over 10 years al the Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, IO00-seed weight was 6.7-8.4 g. Ten-yenr average seed yield (kg/hn) was 241, 305 nnd 424 on soils of pH 5.6, 6.0 and 6,3, respectively. Seed yields of galega were about 6 times those of alfalfa in the soil at pH 6.3. Seeding rate and now spacing hnd little effect on seed yields. In south Sakhalin, galega was winter-hardy at - 47°C and survived drought the following summer. Suitable grazing conditions for galega in the CIS (including the Baltic states) and cultivation techniques are summarised