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Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was cultivated in pure stand, in association with white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and in various complex grass-legume mixtures. Forage yield and quality were always higher in associations with white clover than in tall fescue pure stands. However, under dry conditions, the balance between the two components was difficult to maintain. In more complex mixtures cocksfoot and tall fescue tended to become dominant and to produce a forage of lower quality. In mixtures of long duration, we replaced meadow fescue by tall fescue. Total yield over 3 years was improved; the digestibility of the organic matter and intake were only slightly reduced. The importance of qualitative aspects when breeding tall fescue for utilisation in mixture is emphasised, Moreover, canopy arrangement and growth rhythm should be taken into consideration.



Utilization of Tall Fescue in Pure Stand, in Association with White Clover and in Complex Mixtures

Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was cultivated in pure stand, in association with white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and in various complex grass-legume mixtures. Forage yield and quality were always higher in associations with white clover than in tall fescue pure stands. However, under dry conditions, the balance between the two components was difficult to maintain. In more complex mixtures cocksfoot and tall fescue tended to become dominant and to produce a forage of lower quality. In mixtures of long duration, we replaced meadow fescue by tall fescue. Total yield over 3 years was improved; the digestibility of the organic matter and intake were only slightly reduced. The importance of qualitative aspects when breeding tall fescue for utilisation in mixture is emphasised, Moreover, canopy arrangement and growth rhythm should be taken into consideration.