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The relationship between seasonal climatic conditions and observed seasonal pasture growth was examined for 3 native pasture sites in south-east Queensland for periods of up to 5 years. Nine indices of seasonal climatic conditions were considered. Across sites, between year differences in observed growth were best accounted for by the average daily ratio of calculated transpiration and vapour pressure deficit, This index accounted for 83% of the between year variation in observed growl h.



Comparison of Methods for Assessing Productivity of Native Pastures in Queensland

The relationship between seasonal climatic conditions and observed seasonal pasture growth was examined for 3 native pasture sites in south-east Queensland for periods of up to 5 years. Nine indices of seasonal climatic conditions were considered. Across sites, between year differences in observed growth were best accounted for by the average daily ratio of calculated transpiration and vapour pressure deficit, This index accounted for 83% of the between year variation in observed growl h.