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Grazing hay fields with beef cattle during portions of the year when hay is traditionally fed, was examined to yield, quality of forage and composition of the sward. Pour managements were compared: early spring, one hay cutting, and late autumn grazing (GHG), 2 hay cuttings (HH), early spring grazing and 2 hay cuttings (GHH), and 1 hay culling and late au1umn· grazing (HG). The managements were applied lo tall foscue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) (TP) and cocksfool (Dactylis glomerata L.) (Cfl) hay fields, overseeded with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Annual herbage dry mailer production from the plots averaged 7220, 7030, 6800, and 7660 kg/ha for the OHG, HH, GHH and HG managements, respeclively, the HG management yielding more forage. No difference in yields due to forage species was observed. Autumn grazing (GHG and HG) increased the proportion of legume (25.3 v. 18.9%) in the sward compared with the HH and GHH treatments.



Early and Late Grazing of Cocksfoot and Tall fescue Hay Fields overseeded with Red clover

Grazing hay fields with beef cattle during portions of the year when hay is traditionally fed, was examined to yield, quality of forage and composition of the sward. Pour managements were compared: early spring, one hay cutting, and late autumn grazing (GHG), 2 hay cuttings (HH), early spring grazing and 2 hay cuttings (GHH), and 1 hay culling and late au1umn· grazing (HG). The managements were applied lo tall foscue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) (TP) and cocksfool (Dactylis glomerata L.) (Cfl) hay fields, overseeded with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Annual herbage dry mailer production from the plots averaged 7220, 7030, 6800, and 7660 kg/ha for the OHG, HH, GHH and HG managements, respeclively, the HG management yielding more forage. No difference in yields due to forage species was observed. Autumn grazing (GHG and HG) increased the proportion of legume (25.3 v. 18.9%) in the sward compared with the HH and GHH treatments.