Year of Publication



Martin School of Public Policy and Administration

Date Available



Through the direct effects on brain development, social choices, and changes in experiences, underage alcohol drinking is a problem that causes long term damage to psychological, social, and economic outcomes. While this is problematic for all underage drinkers, it is especially damaging for middle school students.

Through the direct effects on brain development, social choices, and changes in experiences, underage alcohol drinking is a problem that causes long term damage to psychological, social, and economic outcomes. While this is problematic for all underage drinkers, it is especially damaging for middle school students.

In this study, I evaluate the success of this Salvadoran program to accomplishing the first two goals related to increasing participants’ knowledge about the consequences and risks of underage drinking and to increasing their strategies and skills to make decisions and resist peer-pressure. I use a pre-post research design for years 2012 and 2013 to compare similar groups of students defined by age, gender, and school. The evaluation indicates that the program is successful in increasing students’ knowledge of the potential problems related to underage drinking and in increasing their peer pressure resistance skills. Along with the evaluation, I also provide feedback and recommendations to the organization in charge of implementing the program, with regard to improving its results and impacts.



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