2008 Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium

Document Type


Start Date

3-17-2008 2:30 PM


  • Determinations of Bioavailable Fractions in the Assessment of Metals in Big and Little Bayou Creeks……, McCracken County, Kentucky, David J. Price, Dept Biology, UK
  • Creation of a Catalog of Environmental Mercury Databases in Kentucky, Caroline Chan and others, School of Public Health and Information Sciences, U of L
  • Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Trace Nutrient Inputs to a Eutrophic Lake, Wilgreen Lake, Madison County, Kentucky, Walter Borowski and Theresa Aguiar, Dept of Geography and Geology, EKU
  • Using Microbial Distribution and Abundance in a Eutrophic Lake as a Tracer for Nutrient Inputs, Wilgreen Lake, Madison County Kentucky, Theresa Aguiar and others, Dept of Geography and Geology, EKU


Mar 17th, 2:30 PM

Session 2C: Water Quality

  • Determinations of Bioavailable Fractions in the Assessment of Metals in Big and Little Bayou Creeks……, McCracken County, Kentucky, David J. Price, Dept Biology, UK
  • Creation of a Catalog of Environmental Mercury Databases in Kentucky, Caroline Chan and others, School of Public Health and Information Sciences, U of L
  • Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Trace Nutrient Inputs to a Eutrophic Lake, Wilgreen Lake, Madison County, Kentucky, Walter Borowski and Theresa Aguiar, Dept of Geography and Geology, EKU
  • Using Microbial Distribution and Abundance in a Eutrophic Lake as a Tracer for Nutrient Inputs, Wilgreen Lake, Madison County Kentucky, Theresa Aguiar and others, Dept of Geography and Geology, EKU