
Development of outdoor recreational facilities in Kentucky has generally been in predominately rural areas. Access to these areas from the primary highway network is often provided by existing low-standard local roads. The recreational travel demand often exceeds the design volumes of these local roads or the volumes that can be accommodated at reasonable levels of service. Such travel demand also constitutes a significant portion of the total demand on the rural primary network, particularly during the peak weekend periods.

Many large reservoirs in Kentucky have generated extensive developments of recreational facilities in the surrounding areas. Highways which have been displaced by reservoir developments are usually relocated and built to the same standards as the original facilities. Such practices and policies, which are followed by many city, state, and federal agencies, neglect the certain increase in demand for recreational activity and ignore the impact of recreational areas on the functional services to be provided.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of travel demand to outdoor recreational facilities in Kentucky and to develop a model for predicting this demand for use in plannng and design of recreational and other routes and in evaluating the traffic-service impacts of proposed new recreational facilities.

Report Date


Report Number

No. 310

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The opinions, findings, and conclusions in this report are not necessarily those of the Department of Highways or the Federal Highway Administration.
